Sunday, February 15, 2009

Friday, June 27, 2008

Big Big Weekend

wish us well... it's a divide and conquer weekend... (that's when the boys dad takes one and I take the other for some d-lux one-on-one time)

Here is the schedule as it SHOULD go - but sometimes an audible gets called:

8:30 - drop off at Aunt Wendy's to go to ELMO with baby Ruby, and the gang (in custom tshirt!)
10:30 - Elmo show!
11:30 - Lunch at the Corvette Diner with the Elmo gang
1:00 - Rendez-vous with Dad and hopefully a nap!
4:00 - special time with the Dad - he's angling for the MALL ... (I don't understand either)

9:00 - Basketball at the Y (go Frogs!)
10:00 - Wait patiently while Coach Mommy showers
11:00 - Head to LA to see Uncle Eric and Aunt Nicholle
5:00 - Wall*E Showing!

Who knows what else we can pack in one single weekend - but I have a feeling there will be more when I report back than I can possibly imagine.

I'm just hoping to snag a nap ... okay I'll settle for a coffee run this weekend!

Inevitably - for the next week I'll hear about how Ollie "missed me so much" which will make me melt and feel guilty at the same time.

may you please...

I just spent 5 minutes trying to come up with a clever title for my new Mommy blog (clever is still debatable) - but I'm happy because it showcases my boys.

Reid in particular, but Ollie as well, have taken to saying "May you please..." when they want something - is it grammatically correct? Most of the time - no. Is it hysterical? Most of the time - yes!

Here is an example:

Reid: May you please turn on backyards? (aka The Backyardigans )


Reid: May you please watch me play baseball?

I hear reports that this has infiltrated their preschool class - and their teachers think it is equally funny (charming?) and don't correct them either.

This is one of those almost 4 year old things I'll be sad to see go.